Highlight Cell Rules

Highlight Cell Rules This quick video explains Highlighting Cells in Conditional Formatting in Excel. Highlight Cell Rules. Conditional formatting provides a powerful way to highlight data in a list. The foundation of conditional formatting are the rules you need to...

Top Bottom Rules

Top Bottom Rules This quick video explains Top Bottom rules in Conditional Formatting Top Bottom rules in conditional formatting provide a useful way of highlighting the top or bottom values in a range. If you have a group of cells we can ask Excel to take out the top...

Icon Sets

Icon Sets This quick video explains how you use Icon Sets in Conditional Formatting in Excel Traffic light icons, signal bars, indicators and other symbols can be used to highlight values in a range of cells and compare them with each other using icon sets....

Importing Web Data

Importing Web Data This quick video explains how to easily Import Data from the Web. More frequently we can find data we need to feed our spreadsheet online – learn how to import and link to web data using Excel. [et_social_follow icon_style="slide"...

Importing MS Access Data

Importing MS Access Data This quick video will show you how to Import File Information from Access. Access tables can be imported and linked to Excel so that we can run reports or build charts based on that data. Learn how to link and import data from Microsoft...


The COUNTIF Function This quick video explains how you use The COUNTIF Function in Excel. Learn how to use the COUNTIF function to count entries in a range of cells that meet certain criteria (e.g. values over a certain amount). Useful function to use when trying to...