Design Safe, Re-usable, Secure, Scalable Spreadsheets
30 Lessons
3.5 Hours
2 Quizzes
Architect Certification
What is Protection & Design?
A step-by-step guide for Excel users
30 bite-size videos explain how to create safe and secure spredasheets. Watch anytime, anywhere, at your own pace.
Delivered by Experts
We walk you through the entire process so you know exactly what to do and you feel confident implementing every step
Practice and check your knowledge
Downloadable Practice files make it easy to understand. Take the online quiz to confirm your new Excel knowledge.
Prove to others
Add CPD Certified Excel Architect Certification to your Resume to prove you have the skills to succeed and help you land that promotion.
Module 1 : Protection & Sharing
Protecting Your Workbook
Find out how to add a password to protect your entire workbook and control who can make changes to it
Sharing Your Workbook
The different ways you can share your workbook with others and track changes
Module 2 : Structure & Design
Structure and Design Fundamentals
If you are building a workbook that others will use, you need to know the principles and watch-outs in this module.
Instructions, Summary sheets and Control Sheets
When you do share your workbook, you’ll need to explain to others how to use, provide summaries and keep a track of version control. This module shows you how.
Identify errors and Preparing to Review
This module explains how you can have the peace of mind that what you are distributing is correct.